Here are our disclaimers:
We will not be responsible for the timeliness and risks associated with your purchase, as well as for quality and legal issues in the future.
When you make a purchase, you may be subject to legal liability to the seller or an organization. So you need to research carefully before making a decision.
You must agree that all PRTreview disclaimers are established to be fair. You will be the party bearing all risks and benefits, which are reflected in your concern and our understanding and support.
Products at Amazon are all legal under specific rules of the law. Our company does not force you to purchase through the links we share, if you feel it is not permitted under your local laws, please ignore it. We will not be responsible for violating local laws by our customers.
You must meet the legal age when you purchase online without breaking local laws. In addition, you should set up a computer account to prevent children under 13 from accessing and making online purchases. We regret to say that PRTreview will not be liable for any violations arising from customers.
When accessing our website, if you have technical problems due to access devices or internet problems... then PRTreview will not be responsible.
We always do our best to be able to provide you with all products that are suitable, safe and of the highest quality. But, unfortunately, we can't guarantee timely delivery to everyone's shopping needs.
We will reserve the right to modify, add or remove the contents immediately, be it temporarily or permanently, without notice to the customer. And PRTRreview will not bear any liability. PRTReview will always have the final decision in any case.
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